Meet the most powerful business women in Oman

Sheila Jamal
CEO, Al Madina Development & Supply
Foraying into new horizons
At the helm of a 30-year old security information technology company in Oman, Sheila is currently focused on promoting her business outside Oman. With this purpose in mind, she has visited 31 countries as of today and has been globally recognised in the field of documents security. For Sheila, the key to success in business is focusing on customers’ needs, developing the talents of staff and ensuring integrity and responsibility in actions. In addition, she is mentoring young ladies who start their education/career by sharing them her knowledge and experiences from different countries, cultures and business environments. In addition to offering traditional services such as electronic passport solutions, barcodes solutions, key management solutions and applications developments, Al Madina Development & Supply is working with the Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs to develop a web-based application to register the pilgrims from all over the Sultanate, besides printing their encoded smart identification cards which contain state-of-the-art security features. Sheila’s advice to young women is to think out of the box which will allow them to embrace different possibilities, opportunities, views, suggestions and interests which will result in a richer experience and success.
HH Sayyida Tania bint Shabib Al Said
President, Environment Society of Oman
Thinking green
Heading one of the most active civil society organisations and the only NGO for the environment in Oman, HH Sayyida Tania bint Shabib Al Said has made outstanding contribution to the field of environmental conservation and protection in the Sultanate. She is a founding member of Environment Society of Oman (ESO) and continues to serve as the president of its board of directors since its establishment. Sayyida Tania initiated the Say No to Plastic Bags campaign, organises the annual fundraising ball of ESO, and regularly appears in the media representing ESO. She holds a BS degree in marine and freshwater biology and a diploma in early childhood education. Sayyida Tania won the GCC Award for the best environmental personality in the Arabian Gulf Region in 2009 and was honoured at the Sheikh Issa bin Ali al Khalifa Awards for Voluntary Work as one of the leading volunteers in the Arab world, in October, 2012.
HH Sayyida Wisam Al Said
Senior Manager – Corporate Communications, Bank Nizwa
In the vanguard
Wisam heads the corporate communication of Oman’s first Islamic bank, Bank Nizwa. Having joined the bank in 2012 during its pre-launch period, she played an active role in helping the bank to establish itself as the pioneer of Islamic finance in the Sultanate, and after the launch in spreading awareness about its various Sharia-compliant products and services in the market. Before moving to Bank Nizwa, Wisam was heading the corporate affairs department at Oman Oil Marketing Company.
As a seasoned communications professional with rich experience through a full spectrum of disciplines, she firmly believes only through hard work, proving oneself and setting achievable goals that one can get where one wants to reach. She completed her high school diploma at an international school in Paris and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in international corporate communications from the American University of Paris and a Master’s degree in strategic marketing from Cardiff University in the UK. After her Bachelor’s, Wisam had worked briefly with UNESCO and International Chamber of Commerce in Paris.
Honourable Yuthar Al Rawahy
Member of State Council; Founder & President of Oman Cancer Association
On a mission
A four-time cancer survivor, Yuthar established Oman Cancer Association (formerly known as the National Association for Cancer Awareness) in 2002 to raise awareness in Oman about cancer in all its forms. Formally registered with the Ministry of Social Development in 2004, OCA is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation supported by the donations of private individuals, corporate sponsors and a band of dedicated volunteers. OCA’s most notable initiatives are the annual national walkathon; the mobile mammography unit (2009); Dar Al Hanan – a home away from home for children with cancer (2011); palliative care and other oncology conferences (2011); and more recently free ultrasound services at its headquarters. Yuthar was appointed to the State Council in June, 2010 and is currently a member of the social committee of the council. She graduated from the American University of Cairo and worked at the College of Medicine in Sultan Qaboos University in the Dean’s Office as medical education officer from 1991 to 2000.
Zuwaina BINT Sultan Al rashdi
CEO, Dar al Herfya (World of Handicrafts)
Promoting crafts
As the founder and CEO of Dar al Herfya (World of Handicrafts), Zuwaina Al Rashdi is involved in marketing, packaging and producing Omani handicrafts and cooperate gifts. Established in 2012, Dar al Herfya aims to provide a platform for products made by people staying in the remote areas of Oman. Handicraft items by 355 families from different villages in Oman are available at the Dar al Herfya outlet in Madinat as Sultan Qaboos (MQ). Prior to setting up Dar al Herfya, Zuwaina had an excellent track record as an experienced branding and marketing communication professional with Oman’s leading corporates such as Oman Mobile, Omantel and Omran. She worked as branding and market communication manager at Omran and as senior manager – branding and advertisement for Omantel. She had also worked for Oman Post and Oman TV. Zuwaina holds a Bachelor’s Degree (BSc) in journalism and information from Sultan Qaboos University and High National Diploma in development journalism from Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Delhi.
OER’s listing of the Most Powerful Women in Business and the government involved various stages of research. The UMS editorial team reached out to various industry leaders asking them to suggest names of the most powerful women.
A comprehensive list was drawn up based on these suggestions. This list was deliberated upon by a team of senior editors from UMS and a final listing was arrived upon after consensus by the editorial team.
The following parameters were used for the process:

  • The position occupied
  • Length of experience
  • Contribution to the organisation and society at large
  • Visibility
  • Ability to influence others
  • Respect amongst peer group
  • Leadership
  • Courage to take decisions
  • Integrity
  • Ability to drive change
  • Motivating and encouraging others
  • Empowering others
  • Humility
  • Innovation and generating new ideas.
  • The survey is a listing and not a ranking. The effort has been made to place the personalities in an alphabetical order.