Netflix Ventures In to Gaming Space In An Attempt To Stem Stagnation

SAN FRANCISCO: In a bold move, Netflix has decided to step up its streaming service repertoire by venturing into video games, in addition to the traditional digital content available for streaming. In a highly competitive market, this move is anticipated to greatly assist in subscription retention for Netflix.
Several leading analysts had much to say, with the move largely seen as a positive step towards an all-encompassing digital service for personal entertainment. With the burgeoning cloud video gaming industry generating upwards of half a billion dollars; soon anticipated to rise up to nearly 8 billion dollars by 2027, Netflix’s decision to dip its toes in to cloud gaming will not be without its challenges as, the market already has strong competition from Amazon, Google, Sony and Microsoft.
Netflix however, has already tried an integrated approach with forays into mobile gaming being conducted for Netflix native shows. Such tie-ins have already gained traction among fans who seek to immerse themselves in to the lore and the fantasy worlds of Netflix shows.
Similar ventures have faced rocky roads with several movie studios shuttering or selling their video gaming subsidiaries like Disney and Lucas Film. Netflix will have to expand from the mobile gaming arena and step substantially into cloud gaming, despite the inherent technological challenges. Regardless of the obstacles, the fact that there is an avid gaming community, numbering nearly 2 billion strong, the potential rewards can be great. Netflix has also, announced that the subscription rates will not be altered with while incorporating gaming, as a service.
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