Indian School Muscat wins international school award

Indian School Muscat has recently won the ‘International School Award’ (ISA) and joined the elite group of premier schools with the coveted ISA accreditation instituted by the British Council.
The ISM is the first private international school in the Sultanate to secure this award. ISA is a benchmarking scheme that accredits schools as having an outstanding level of support for cultivating the spirit of global citizenship in students and enriched teaching-learning credentials.
The award was formally conferred to the school in a ceremony organised by the Ministry of Education and the British Council Oman on Tuesday. Srinivas K. Naidu, principal, expressed his delight and contentment on this achievement.
The ISA project was initiated at ISM under the guidance of the principal and co-ordinated by Biju Varghese. This momentous achievement is the culmination of the year-long activities comprising seven diverse projects of global dimensions. The ISM undertook the portfolios with the objective to instil students with the spirit of internationalism, research, collaboration and innovation.
The ISM students and teachers were engaged in activities such as water conservation, monuments and heritages, history of cricket and its influence on society, and equality as a universal value, in addition to language learning, celebrating festivals to bring people closer, and food of different countries. During this period, the teachers and students interacted and disseminated learning outcomes with several schools in other countries using ‘British Council Schools Online’.
The ISM got accredited after meeting the required standards and is now entitled to privileges such as ISA trophy and certificate for the school, use of the coveted ISA Kite Mark on all official stationery and promotional materials, invitation to attend the annual British Council School awards ceremony and associated seminars. The school will have the opportunity to showcase its portfolios at British Council offices and libraries.
The award provides support for schools to develop an action plan and execute international activities throughout the year, and encourages schools to team up with other schools to create a rich learning experience for students through the use of ICT, creative pedagogical practices and real context for learning. It has a positive impact on not just the students, but also the teachers and school in total, and is a leadership challenge and furthers team-building, innovation, and project management process.
The entire ISM fraternity congratulated the school and its principal along with the team of teachers and the students who had worked tirelessly on achieving this milestone.