Bank Nizwa’s ‘IFN Oman Seminar & Dialogue 2016’ to kick-off on March 8

Bank Nizwa has partnered with Islamic Finance News (IFN), a leading online journal specialized in reporting on the global Islamic financial markets, to bring its renowned industry seminar to the Sultanate for the first time. Set to kick-off on March 8th 2016 at the Grand Hyatt Muscat, the event is titled “IFN Oman Seminar & Dialogue 2016”.
Key decision makers, as well as industry leaders and experts from the Sultanate and the region are expected to discuss the opportunities available in the fast-growing Omani Islamic market for both capital-raising and investment.
The seminar will start with addresses from instrumental figures in Oman’s Islamic banking and finance industry including HE Mohammed Jawad bin Hassan, Advisor to the Ministry of Finance and HE Hamood Al Zadjali, Executive President of the Central Bank of Oman. Other panelists include HE Abdullah Al Salmi, Executive President of Capital Market Authority. In addition, industry veteran CEO of Bank Nizwa, Dr. Jamil El Jaroudi will be representing Bank Nizwa, alongside Dr. Ashraf Al Nabhani, General Manager Corporate Support at the Bank, who will be participating in his capacity as Chairman of Muscat Securities Market.
In addition to the panel discussion, the event will feature the IFN Oman Dialogue, a closed-door roundtable session comprising of Oman’s most senior Islamic finance practitioners, regulators and stakeholders. For over two-hours, the discussion will explore and evaluate the challenges and opportunities facing the Shari’a-compliant financing and investment market in Oman today and how to best prepare for the future.