Emphasising its commitment to providing renowned service for its exclusive customers, and under its ‘Exclusiv’ umbrella, ahlibank held an investment conference titled ‘Surviving the Global Markets...
In preparation for Oman’s 52nd National Day, the Infrastructure, Technology, Industrial and Consumer Solutions cluster of Mohsin Haider Darwish LLC (MHD-ITICS), has supported an event that brought...
The Sustainable City – Yiti, Oman’s first fully sustainable city and the largest sustainable community in the Middle East, bagged two prestigious awards at the 10th...
National Finance, the leading finance company in Oman, through the company’s independent wing for sustainable initiatives – ‘Imtidad’, renewed its ongoing partnership with Injaz Oman after...
The Oman Investment Authority (OIA) announced 10 national projects distributed geographically across all governorates and in various sectors, through its subsidiaries, and in partnership with local...
The state-of-the-art, high-capacity Sanvira carbon plant was inaugurated today at the Sohar Free Zone today [November 13]. The plant has a production capacity of 600,000 tons...
The Sultanate of Oman will welcome the Gumball 3000 international supercar rally from 13 to 15 November, with celebrities from the world of sport, entertainment and...
Oman Investment Authority (OIA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ACWA Power of KSA to explore the feasibility of investment of up to 10 per...
Oman’s budget achieved a surplus of RO1.123bn by the end of September 2022 when compared with a deficit of RO1.030bn over the same period in 2021,...
Oman Airports will sponsor the WTA Grand Final Gala Ceremony 2022, now in its 29th edition, for the second time at the Al Bustan Palace, A...