Infoline has recently embarked on a remarkable feat of completing two decades in the industry. As one of the well established, leaders in the economy, Infoline...
National Finance, the Sultanate of Oman’s leading finance company, marked its debut at COMEX 2024 – the Global Technology Show, taking place from May 27 to...
Intel on Wednesday announced the formation of a new independent company around its artificial intelligence software with backing from a digital-focused asset manager, DigitalBridge Group along...
A revolutionary satellite that will reveal celestial objects in a new light and the “Moon Sniper” lunar lander are preparing for launch. The Japan Aerospace Exploration...
Smartphones and laptops are useful devices, but sometimes we do prefer something bigger and more capable than a smartphone, but smaller and more portable than a...
Apple Vision Pro is the result of decades of experience designing high‑performance, mobile, and wearable devices — culminating in the most ambitious product Apple has ever created....
A Kuwaiti media outlet has unveiled a virtual news presenter generated using artificial intelligence, with plans for it to read online bulletins. “Fedha” appeared on the...
The past few months witnessed a decline in the ultimate race by tech giants. As interest rates are soaring, even affluent tech companies are slowing down...
Dubai: Following the Government of Dubai announcing the formation of the Higher Committee for Future Technology and Digital Economy to oversee the city’s push to become...
New research from Bain & Company shows young gamers are spending more time and money in the metaverse, paving the way for the future of entertainment...