BankDhofar achieves ISO 27001:2013 re-certification

In recognition of its commitment to provide best-in-class banking services through adopting best security practices and employing latest technology in the financial sector, BankDhofar has achieved the revised ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Re-Certification for its information technology division and information security department.
The ISO 27001 certification assures BankDhofar customers that the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their information is secure in accordance with an internationally recognised standard available from the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO).
Dr. Tariq Taha, Assistant General Manager & Chief Information Officer at BankDhofar, said, “The ISO 27001 re-certification has enabled us to build a successful and best-in-class information security management system, which leads to an increased protection of our customer information. The ISO 27001 certification is a clear indication of the strength of our investments in people, process and technology for enhancing the customer experience by improving the security measures”.
The Bank has been continuously investing in systems and procedures to adhere to best security standards. A successful implementation of the Information Security Management System (ISMS) reduces the IT related operational risks, builds confidence in the stakeholders, demonstrates increased protection of the information and increases trust between the Bank and its customers.
The ISO 27001 accreditation is a formal certification proving that BankDhofar fulfils the highest levels of security and has implemented an ISMS on par with global standards. The standard specifies the requirements for implementing, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving a documented ISMS within the context of the organisation’s overall business risks.
Aspiring to be the best bank in the Sultanate of Oman and the wider Gulf area, BankDhofar works constantly to cater for customers’ needs and requirements, setting the standards for the best customer experience within the banking industry in the Sultanate through creative solutions and innovation. The combination of the thorough vision of BankDhofar’s executive management, the comprehensive operational strategy that revolves around following best international banking practices and providing best customer experience, as well as commitment to community development and contribution to the growth of the national economy, placed BankDhofar on top of the list of best banks in the region.