Major increase in real estate transactions

Total traded value of the real estate activity in Oman touched RO 2.5 billion by July 2015

The statistics issued by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI) showed that the total traded value of the real estate activity in the Sultanate reached RO 2,497.5 million by the end of last July 2015 with a 47.7% hike compared to the value recorded during 2014. The fees collected from all the legal transactions reached RO 30.6 million with a 20% increase. The traded value of selling contracts also increased with 12.1% to record RO 782.7 million.

The number of selling contracts decreased with 3.4% to record 47,287 contracts, compared to 48,964 contracts during the same period of 2014. The traded value of mortgage contracts increased with 72.6% to record RO 1,702.5 million, compared to RO 986.4 million recorded during the same period of 2014.

The traded value of exchange contracts recorded RO 12.3 million till the end of last July with a significant hike of 83.6% compared to the value recorded during the same period of 2014, which logged RO 6.7 million. The number of exchange contracts has also recorded an increase of 7.7% to reach 781 contracts by the end of last July, compared to 725 contracts recorded during the same period of 2014.

The statistics showed also that 141,814 title deeds have been issued by the end of last July with a 6.9% increase compared to the figures recorded during the same period of 2014, which reached 132,620 title deeds. The number of title deeds issued for the GCC countries’ nationals witnessed a 26.7% decrease by the end of last July to reach 1505 title deeds compared to 2053 title deeds recorded during the same period of 2014.