Beyond Volumetrics – Unconventional Petrophysics for Efficient Resource Appraisal: David Spain of BP Oman

David R. Spain, Senior Advisor – Unconventional Reservoirs Flagship, Upstream Technology Group, BP Exploration (Epsilon), Oman Branch made a presentation for SPE Oman Section as part of SPE Distinguished Lecturer Programme. His presentation focused on ‘Beyond Volumetrics: Unconventional Petrophysics for Efficient Resource Appraisal’ was held on 29 February at PDO Oil and Gas Exhibition Centre, Muscat.

Unconventional reservoirs require a new petrophysical paradigm/approach and must go “beyond volumetrics.” Efficient unconventional resource appraisal should consider not only the static (storage) and dynamic (flow) properties within the context of the petroleum system and the current day pore geometry and fluid saturation distribution; but also the geomechanical stress regime and its implications for efficient completion design and reservoir performance prediction.

Those reservoirs/formations with the highest potential for deliverability should be ranked and prioritised for development; as these zones will dominate the well and field performance. The effective application of integrated subsurface and completion workflows leads to improved capital efficiency and well performance, through increased well potential, increased ultimate recovery and reduced costs.

In order to optimally develop unconventional resources, an efficient appraisal programme must look beyond the conventional assessment of hydrocarbon volume. Unconventional Petrophysics requires adaptation and extension of conventional methods to integrate flow units and rock-mechanics within the proper geologic framework.

David Spain is the Senior Advisor (Petrophysics) for Unconventional Resources, within the BP Upstream Technology Group in Houston, Texas, where he leads the Geo-Engineered Completion Optimization Project and supports Russia, and North Africa shale exploration and appraisal and Middle East tight gas developments. David has over 30 years experience in research and development, resource appraisal, field development and integrated reservoir management across the globe. He is currently co-located with the Block 61 Khazzan Field Development team in Muscat, Oman.

Watch the video for his full presentation.