GlassPoint Solar employees plant trees to commemorate Earth Day 2016

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts, GlassPoint Solar recently organized a tree planting initiative for its employees in honour of Earth Day 2016, the world’s largest environmental movement. GlassPoint volunteers gathered in Shatti Al Qurum where they planted 50 seedlings as part of GlassPoint’s Earth Day pledge to combat climate change and conserve natural resources.

The initiative was held in conjunction with the Earth Day Network’s ‘Trees for the Earth’ project, which aims to plant 7.8 billion trees by 2020, one for every human being on the planet. The campaign was launched to reverse the major loss of forestry over the years, with the Earth losing an estimated 18 billion trees annually due to deforestation, land development, and bad forest management.

GlassPoint is committed to creating long-term value for Oman that extends well beyond its solar oil field projects. Earlier this year, the company teamed with local CSR and sustainability experts Sustainable Square Oman to establish its social investment strategy and launch new programs and activities that best serve the Sultanate and the Omani people.