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Stanford University Names 5 Omanis In Their List Of Most-Cited Scholars

The US-based Stanford University has released a list that represents the top 2 per cent of the most-cited scholars across various disciplines.

At least 43 scientists are from the Sultanate, and 23 of them are from the Sultan Qaboos University (SQU). Moreover, five Omanis have been featured in the global list compiled by the prestigious university.

The Omani scholars are Prof. (Dr.) Sabah bint Ahmed Al Sulaiman in environmental sciences, Prof. (Dr.) Yahya bin Mansour Al Wahaibi in energy and chemical engineering, Prof. (Dr.) Abdullah bin Mohammed Al-Sa’adi in botany and biology, Professor (Dr.) Samir bin Hamad Al Adawi in neurology, and Dr. Mohammed bin Hamdan Al Badi in energy.

The list has reportedly been prepared by Stanford University after assessing scholars from across the world for the research carried out during their career span and from data collected up to 2019.

This recognition, as per an Oman News Agency report, reflects the quality of the scientific outputs from Sultan Qaboos University and their use as references across the world.



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