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Committed to Lead in Al-Baraka style

On the ICV front, I can tell you that if a contract mandates something on that front, we comply as we have reached more than 300 per cent of what is required by each contract. Our ICV comes from the local community and we also ensure that the small LCCs residing in the interiors also get big shares of the contracts. We do try hard to give priority to the concession areas that we operate in. We are happy with the progress we have made in Omanization so far and are thankful to PDO for their constant support and guidance.

What are the future plans for Al-Baraka?

At Al-Baraka we have the vision to be one of the major contractor/player in the market with oil and gas, E&P companies in Oman. For now our focus is the oil and gas industry. We want to become a full-fledged ODC contractor within the next couple of years and we are keen to grow our fleet of hoists workover in the next 2-3 years’ time. I am proud to state that we are one of the best in the hoist area in the South in terms of operation, execution, HSE records, efficiency and delivery of work and PDO is extremely pleased with our performance. We are keen to build a robust strategy to shape these core businesses to strengthen our presence in the future. We are also keeping our options open to other businesses and investment ventures around our core areas. We are clearly not here to be just another contractor but to become a significant player in the market and we are committed to being the best in what we do.

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