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Bank Dhofar establishes $500 Million EMTN programme

BankDhofar set up a Euro Medium Term Note Programme (EMTN), allowing it to issue Eurobond transactions under the programme in the international market.

BankDhofar set up a Euro Medium Term Note Programme (EMTN), allowing it to issue Eurobond transactions under the programme in the international market.
BankDhofar’s EMTN programme is listed on the Irish Stock Exchange and enables flexible issuance of bonds up to a maximum volume of $500 million in all major currencies and with various coupon structures.
BankDhofar’s Acting CEO Abdul Hakeem Omar Al Ojaili said in a statement: “This programme will help support the diversification of our funding needs”.
The Base Prospectus relating to the Programme is publicly available on the website of the Irish Stock Exchange and on BankDhofar website.



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