The IoT Integration Summit Concludes with a Commitment to a “Future Ready” Oman


The IoT (Internet of Things) Integration Summit 2017 held in Sheraton Hotel Oman on the 27th November and attended by more than 170 participants from across industries and sectors, examined how disruptive technologies are changing the business and e-governance landscape in the country. Ooredoo Business was the Official Telecommunications Partner for the Summit. It was supported by Information Technology Authority (ITA) and organized by UMS Conferences.

Dr. Salim Sultan Al Ruzaiqi, Chief Executive Officer of ITA, in his keynote address, stated, “Security is the heart and soul of all technology initiatives of Oman.” He emphasized that “we have to implement a strategy to ensure no one is left behind in the internet era, and that digital literacy is the future.”

Saied Al Lawati, Director, Business Marketing, Ooredoo in his talk mentioned that Ooredoo is working towards improving not only the telecom sector but the overall technology landscape in Oman. He further elaborated that people sending messages to people will soon be replaced by “things messaging people” and that IoT will redefine the way we go about business.

The Summit had an expert line-up of speakers from the digital domain who through focused sessions and panel discussions made it clear as to how technology landscapes in organizations will undergo a sea change with the advent of “things” talking to each other. The speakers focused on various aspects of IoT and demonstrated how enterprises can strategize and use latest trends and technologies to their advantage, to innovate both with internal business processes and with products and services they provide.

Faris Al-Kharusi, Head of Real-Time Operational Excellence, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) in his presentation on the subject ‘IoT & Integration in the Energy Industry – From Brownfield to the Edge of Greenfield’ stated “Brent prices of the barrel mean we have to be a more integrated, automated and optimized business – leveraging legacy investment and making smart decisions for the future.”

Anshul Srivastav, Chief Information Officer & Digital Officer at Union Insurance, stressed on the need to adapt to the unprecedented changes by stating that “with the data you collect you need to improve and improvise and should incorporate adaptation as a mainstay in most successful transformation journeys.” Roland Abi Najem, IT & Digital Marketing Consultant, furthered Anshul’s point by adding, “The key factor of IoT is the end user; IoT and Big Data are the perfect couple.” Roland also mentioned that threats with newer networks increases the risk and the need to ensure that this new network and data is secure.

The IoT Integration Summit, helped participants design a holistic approach to implement a digitization strategy that needs to be practiced across production, value chains and business models. Enterprises and cities are smartening up for the future with IoT and how IoT is defining the future of our cities and enterprises. The Summit concluded with the speakers and the panelists professing that IoT should be at the centerpiece of any successful digital transformation journey.