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Oman Ranked #1 Globally In Express Mail Service In 2022

The Sultanate of Oman was rated as the topmost country in the world in the field of express mail service in 2022.

The classification stems from Oman’s standing among member states of the Universal Postal Union, which includes 190 countries.

Oman Post, the national postal services operator affiliated to Asyad Group, succeeded in regularly enhancing its competitiveness and upgrading its services over the past few years.

It provides various packages of “express mail delivery solutions to the final destination” within a range of 3 to 10 days, according to the best international standards.

The classification reflects the postal services’ transition from conventional to competitive commercial services that keep pace with global requirements and developments. It builds upon a gradual upward movement that started from 74th position during the past two years, progressed a notch higher in 2020 (75th position) and culminated in 2022, when Oman topped the world’s courier service index.

Ahmed Ali Al Balushi, Head of Assets Unit at Asyad Group, said that Oman Post’s accession to the prime position affirms the soundness of ASYAD’s development methodology and its influential role locally and globally. He stressed that Oman Post will continue to realize its vision of making Oman a global logistics centre and a destination for all investors.

On his turn, Sheikh Ibrahim Sultan Al Hosani, Acting CEO of Oman Post and Asyad Express, pointed out that Oman Post achieved significant growth in its commercial operations and logistical solutions in recent years.

This, he added, led to upgrading the company’s operational efficiency and service levels, consummating in “the last-mile delivery service”, which was activated last year to provide mail delivery service to a client’s doorstep.

Meanwhile, Sayyid Nasr Badr Al Busaidi, Vice President of Postal Services, Retail and Customer Experience at Oman Post and Asyad Express, said that Oman Post met with success in providing clients with record delivery times, thanks to the timely support of the world-class integrated logistics system of the Asyad Group. This, he added, placed Oman on top of the courier service classification.

Al Busaidi reaffirmed that that Oman Post is determined to keep the momentum and maintain Oman’s distinguished rate of performance in express courier service.



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