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EXCLUSIVE: PDO Nurtured And Deployed 10 New Technologies In 2019

The Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) deployed 10 new technologies in 2019 and is reportedly working to conclude and deploy more in the coming months.

Speaking at the Alam Al-Iktisaad Awards 2020, Abdul-Amir Al Ajmi – the External Affairs & Value Creation Director at PDO – said: “Technology plays a significant role in taking the business to the next level. For example in 2019, at PDO over 65 new technologies were being matured, 10 of which have been concluded and deployed.

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He then added: “More than 30 technologies are currently undergoing field trials with 24 undergoing pre-field trial assessments.”

A technology that was executed by the PDO is now being used for financial closing. The process that once used to “take weeks” can now reportedly be completed in three minutes.

As per Abdul-Amir, digital transformation has also enabled staff to stay connected with an average of 27,600 skype sessions conducted per month.

The director then added that the people of Oman must not forget about their duties to make contributions to fight COVID-19 and also help realise Oman’s Vision 2040.

Addressing the crowd, he said: “We must never forget that all of us have the duty to make a meaningful contribution not only in the immediate future to come through the COVID crisis, but also to help realise Oman’s Vision 2040 – that of building a society of creative, empowered individuals and a diversified and competitive economy driven by innovation and entrepreneurship.”



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