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Windmills and Batteries to Attract Billions in the Green Energy Revolution

wind turbines; renewable energy

(Bloomberg Markets) — The renewable energy transition promises to reduce carbon emissions, but it’s happening at different speeds around the world.

Read on for some key insights from BloombergNEF’s New Energy Outlook 2019, which provides a detailed road map to the future. To take a look at the full report on the Terminal, type {BNEF}.

1. The Old World Will Move the Fastest

Most regions are moving toward cleaner energy generation but not at the same pace. Europe is forecast to be almost fossil fuel-free by 2050. The U.S. lags the world.

chart: energy from renewables

2. In Asia, Coal Will Rise, But Fall Again

Coal-fired electricity will peak in China in 2027 and in India in 2038.

chart: electricity from coal

3. Most New Gas Power Will Be On-Demand

Peaker plants, which are more responsive to changing needs, will push growth.

chart: gas power


4. The Money Is Headed for the Windmills

Over the next 30 years, the world will invest about $2 trillion in new electrical capacity from fossil fuels and more than $11 trillion in zero-carbon technologies.

forecast chart fuels


5. $4 of Every $10 Spent on New Capacity Will Go to Asia

The region will get $5.8 trillion in new capacity investments through 2050, roughly three-quarters of which will go to China and India.

chart: renewable spends


6. Battery Investors Go Big

State programs and lower costs will encourage investment in utility-scale.

chart: new capacity investsment


7. Where Green Power Is Cheapest Today

Clean (and dirty) energy prices vary globally. Coal is costly in the U.K.

chart: green power prices


8. The Debt Market for Sustainable Projects Has Exploded

Green bonds have driven sustainable debt issuance since 2012. Last year, financial, corporate, and mortgage-backed issuers accounted for two-thirds of sales.

chart: debt financing for renewables


9. Green Technologies to Grow More Affordable

The relative costs of solar and wind will fall well below those of coal and gas.

chart: affordable green tech


10. Not Everyone Is Participating In the New Energy Boom

The number of U.S. solar jobs has climbed 159% since 2010, but women are disproportionately left out of the clean energy workforce—and underpaid within it.

chart: green energy jobs





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