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OERLive Conference & Awards 2021: What Can You Expect To Witness At The Event?

OERLive, the Sultanate’s leading digital platform for business, technology, economy, and lifestyle, will be organizing the OERLive Conference & Awards 2021 on October 27th at the Al Bustan Palace, A Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

The first edition of the Conference will throw the spotlight on digital transformation in the Sultanate under the foresight of the Oman Vision 2040, and will deep dive into topics that will drive digitalisation in the Sultanate.

Here are the focus areas of the event:

Artificial Intelligence

The advent of AI technology, including machine learning, has helped streamline and revolutionize sectors that were once reliant on human intelligence to function. As foreseen by the Oman Vision 2040, our panelists will discuss the wide-ranging branches across which we can expect radical changes, and how ethics will play a major role in the implementation process, as machines quickly replace humans in key sectors.


The 5G ecosystem opens to the Sultanate new avenues in technology that were once unforeseen. Join us as we unlock the true potential of 5G and the technology that is interwoven as we move to faster and more connected world.

FinTech Technology

The future is now! Join us as we uncover how fintech has given depth to legacy systems in the financial sector; bringing to it radical changes that enable financial institutions to provide quicker and more secure services while uncovering the true abilities of a sector that is entering Digital 4.0.


Breaking from the shackles of limited retail space, brands and stores have come to discover the power of e-commerce over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. We focus on success stories that have paved the way for online shopping in the Sultanate.

Cyber Security

With great power comes great responsibility. Cyber security in the modern era of Digital 4.0 goes beyond creating a sense of security; it aims to instill responsibility, confidence, safety, and dependability in companies as they forage into the deep unchartered webs of the internet.


To be able to understand Blockchain is to understand the importance of database. We understand the core concepts of Blockchain, and how it is quickly revolutionizing the fintech industry with cryptocurrency and modern solutions for transactions, and creating an all-inclusive financial system.

IT Infrastructure and Digital Expertise

Bringing IT to your fingertips. The OER Live Digital Transformation Conference will shed light on the importance of early adoption of information technology, and how creating a digital ecosystem for your organization will pave the way for a smarter future.

Digital Workshops

The way we work has changed forever. Our expert panel will discuss how organizations need to deal with new challenges as we adopt digital strategies and move towards Digital 4.0.



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