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Here’s How Much Liquefied Natural Gas Oman Exported In 2022

Oman’s exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) increased during the first half of this year by 8 per cent to nearly 5.9mn tonnes, compared to 5.5mn tonnes during the same period in 2021.

This marks an increase of 400,000 tonnes of LNG in the same period. During the first quarter of this year, the Sultanate exported about 3mn tonnes. The production capacity of the Oman LNG plant is estimated at 11.4mn tonnes annually.

During the first six months of this year, LNG exports from Oman recorded high levels ranging from 0.9 to 1mn tonnes per month – and Omani LNG also began exporting to new destinations.

This includes Puerto Rico in North America, which received a shipment of 67,000 tonnes in June 2022. The Omani company also started implementing a project to remove bottlenecks at the liquefaction station to raise export capacity by some 1.5mn tonnes annually.

Asian markets accounted for a majority of Omani gas exports, led by South Korea, which received about 2.25mn tonnes in the first half of 2022, equivalent to about 38 per cent of total exports; and Japan at 1.51mn tonnes with a share of 26 per cent; in addition to China, India, Taiwan and Thailand.



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