Oman Business Forum Kicks off

The Sultanate of Oman
The Sultanate of Oman

The Oman Business Forum held its annual meeting this year in the presence of the forum members including ministers, members of the Public-Private Partnership Group (Sharaka) working group for partnership between governmental and private sectors, representatives of the government sector, businessmen and business women, representatives of the private sector in its various editions, forum members of the graduates of the national programs (National CEO Program and National Leadership and Competitiveness Program).

The meeting reviewed the main lines of work during the years 2019-2020. New members from the private sector who were nominated to join Sharaka were also welcomed.

The meeting also reviewed the role of Oman Business Forum in the integration of the two sectors.

It is worth mentioning that this forum is one of the outputs of Sharaka, which was launched last year as the institutional platform that promotes dialogue and rapprochement between the public and private sectors in the work and common interests.

Sayyid Khalid bin Hilal al- Busaidi, Minister of the Diwan of the Royal Court, stressed the interest of His Majesty the Sultan in the private sector as an active and influential partner in the development and diversification of the economy. He also said that the Royal Court spared no effort to host and manage the national initiatives coming from Sharaka, to give this important orientation the required momentum to become a reality for a future with wide horizons and increasing opportunities for the citizens.

He also stressed that the efforts of the two sectors are not a field of choice or question, as social and economic development cannot be sustained without the accumulation of all the potential of society, including talents, resources and expertise available in both the government and private sectors. He added that the convergence of visions and policies is the basis, adding that success of the partnership between the two sectors depends not only on legislation and regulations, but also on a comprehensive and integrated work at all levels. He added that this requires a broad vision that anticipates the future and absorbs its opportunities and necessities, which are not hindered by reality, irrelevant of its challenges, and that the partnership is a general direction of the state and not just a means or mechanism of action.

Dr. Ali bin Qasim bin Jawad, Studies and Research Advisor at the the Diwan of Royal Court, delivered a speech in which he reviewed Sharaka’s since its inception. He explained that Sharaka work system was based on two complementary components that reinforce each other. Through the partnership between the two sectors (Public and Private Partnership) – which is the accepted concept, and the second component is the mechanism of dialogue between the public and private sectors, which deals with all the possibilities that will create the general environment for integrated work between the two sectors, including the promotion of confidence and establishing dialogue channels (Public and Private Dialogue).

He pointed out that, “The partnership between the two sectors is not a partnership between two partners with the same objective. The government’s developmental goals are irreversable. The profitability goals of the private sector are unqestionable. Therefore, integration at the level of visions will allow each sector to implement its objectives.”

The activities of the Forum included a presentation by the Implementation Support and Follow-up Unit which reviewed its efforts in following up the implementation of the initiatives of the Public-Private Partnership for the Promotion of the Business Environment.

The National Training Fund showed an integrated presentation of its achievements since its establishment. The Ministry of Finance reviewed Omani Partnership Law to be released this year.

– Source: ONA

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