Values Matter

Asaad Al-Kharusi, Head – Products and eBanking, Meethaq Islamic Banking – Bank Muscat, one of the NTI BizPro Awards winners, believes that values, purpose, patient dedication and hardwork bring the best in a person
Asaad Al Kharusi holds a master’s degree in Islamic Banking and Finance from Bangor University in the UK and a Bachelor degree in Finance from Sultan Qaboos University. Currently, he looks after products and eBanking at Meethaq Islamic Banking in Bank Muscat. Through this role, he also looks after business intelligence, Hafawa priority banking, customer service, social media and corporate social responsibility.
“Be patient and work hard. Understand what is expected, learn how to get there and always exceed the expectations,” that is how Asaad sums up the defining characteristics of a successful professional. “I believe having values and purpose with patient dedication and hard work brings the best in a person. All this has shaped the person I am today. I spent three months in conventional banking before I resigned and realised that Meethaq had a lot of values that I shared. My beginning was so hard that I had to leave late everyday just to meet customers’ expectations, as the team was very small. This job, however has opened my mind to many things, through which I learned banking and then the Islamic way of banking, different customers’ financial needs and how to develop solutions to address these needs, which is indeed a great value addition to me.”
Dwelling on his strengths, he says: “I believe in having values and a purpose with dedication. My advice to those who have recently joined the work force is to be patient and work hard because learning always comes from hard work and being exposed to many tasks and projects.”
Talking about people who have inspired him, he adds, “There are many personalities who have inspired me. The greatest personality is Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). I am also inspired by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said for being a leader who made people the corner stone of development and started with education because he believed that change will not happen unless everybody gets access to proper education. My bosses, who have shown dedication to learn from those who are much below in the hierarchy also inspired me. Leaders with great vision and are result-oriented through countless patience and humbleness, all have created a team with strong belongingness and are ever so ready to do anything for the sake of growing the brand.”
Bank Muscat was his first employer and now he is about to complete nine years of service at the bank. He says, “I was part of the small team that started the first Sharia-compliant home finance in Oman way back in 2008. I am very proud to say that I have participated in the establishment of Islamic banking in Oman. During the past eight years, I have learnt a lot that has made me a complete person. Above all that, I got to know myself better, Asaad says. Love what you do and see the value you create not only to the shareholders but customers and the whole mankind. Read and pursue your education as knowledge is truly power, he avers. Giving is a great lesson and guaranteed way for happiness. ‘‘Giving on a regular basis back to society is something that we need to have as a culture and believe me it pays back in multiples. I personally know somebody in the bank who sets aside one third of his salary for society every month since his first salary, and this taught me a big lesson on giving back to the community.”
On his passion, he says, “I love art and especially photography, black and white in particular. I won some international awards and I am very thankful to Photo Society in Sultan Qaboos University for allowing me to discover this in myself. I also love to read, mainly business and management related books. Further, I like traveling because it really teaches a lot and opens the person’s mind to ideas and opportunities. I plan to continue working in the field of Islamic banking and fulfil my commitment towards the development of this industry not only in Oman but globally,” he adds.

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