Oman’s best performing companies will be honoured in February ’16

His Majesty’s Cup for top five companies will be honoured in February 2016. Eng Ahmed Al Dheeb, undersecretary at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry told reporters recently.
From November 2015 to January 2016, the evaluation team will visit the establishments as well as field visits accompanied by trainees who will evaluate other establishments in the future.
By the end of January 2016, the results will be revealed and the closing ceremony of the competition, which will be held in February 2016. The main aim of the competition is to award industries, which have excelled in their performance in order to increase their motivation to remain consistent in their duties.
“This year, we have made changes on the questionnaires, the way we are going to evaluate the industries from the start of the competition until the results are revealed,” said Al Dheeb.
This year’s competition has been completely revamped and new evaluation measures are implemented. The ministry will be evaluating the industrial establishment much deeper and professionally than previous years.
The companies will be judged based on nine categories — five of them will be on operations of the industrial establishment and the remaining four will be based on the results gained from following rules set by operations and in total will be 1,000 points.
Operations consist of leadership, employees, industrialisation, improving resources, and safety, environment and social responsibility.
After visiting the international awards, the ministry decided to undergo international standard evaluations of industrial establishments based on Total Quality Management (TQM) criteria. “Our team visited several countries, regionally and internationally, to study the awards for excellence and to know what the evaluation measures were taken to award the prizes,” noted Al Dheeb.
Results consist of individual results, industrial production results, financial and marketing results and safety, environment, and social responsibility results. The organising committee consist of the supervising committee, judging committee, evaluation team and contest secretaries.
“Our team will evaluate and judge the companies based on their participation forms and through visits and inspections. They will then determine their strengths and weaknesses which will result in their winning of the trophy or loss on the other hand,” said Al Dheeb.
“Categorising the companies will be based on how many participate,” he added.
“Establishments are encouraged to participate in the competition because by achieving good results, it will help in lowering operation costs and raise profitability,” explained Al Dheeb.
“It will also motivate them to do better in the coming years,” he said, adding that the competition is now agreed upon its commencement every two years.