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Public Services Regulatory Authority (PSRA) Issues New Electricity Tariff Regulations

The Public Services Regulatory Authority (PSRA) has issued two decisions regarding the Cost-Reflective Tariff Regulation and the Approved Tariff Regulation for Electricity Connection and Supply. 

The publication of the two regulations comes in compliance with the legal requirements to ensure that subscribers and operators are informed of the details related to the application of this tariff. The cost-reflective tariff regulation targets non-residential subscribers whose annual electricity consumption exceeds (100) megawatt hours, as the Authority determines this tariff annually in coordination with the competent authorities.

The regulation also authorises the Authority to issue any rules or controls that include provisions to regulate the application of the cost-reflective tariff for subscribers. As for the approved tariff regulation for electricity delivery and supply, it determines the tariff for residential categories for the basic and additional account of subscribers according to consumption. The Authority confirmed that the tariff applied under these regulations reflects the current tariff.

The tariff for the basic account starts at 14 baisa per kilowatt/hour for consumption from zero to (4000) kilowatt/hour, reaches 18 baisa for consumption between (4001) and (6000) kilowatt/hour, then rises to 32 baisa for consumption above (6000) kilowatt/hour. In the additional account, the tariff starts at 22 baisas per kilowatt/hour for consumption up to (4000) kilowatt/hour, and increases to 26 baisas for consumption between (4001) and (6000) kilowatt/hour, and to 32 baisas for anything beyond that.

In the additional account, a tariff of 22 baisas per kilowatt/hour will be applied for consumption from zero to (4000) kilowatt/hour, and increases to 26 baisas for consumption between (4001) and (6000) kilowatt/hour, and reaches 32 baisas for anything beyond (6000) kilowatt/hour. As for non-residential categories, the tariff has been set at 25 baisas per kilowatt/hour for all subscribers in this category.

As for the category of agricultural and fishing activities, a tariff has been allocated for it starting at 12 baisas per kilowatt/hour for consumption from zero to (3000) kilowatt/hour, and 16 baisas for consumption between (3001) and (6000) kilowatt/hour, and reaching 24 baisas for consumption exceeding (6000) kilowatt/hour.

The issuance of these regulations comes within the framework of the Authority’s keenness to enhance transparency and regulate the relationship between service providers and subscribers, while ensuring tariff stability in a way that achieves a balance between the interests of subscribers and the sustainability of the electricity sector



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