Muscat: His Majesty the Sultan Haitham Bin Tarik being renowned for his focus on the development of the youth of the nation reaffirmed the nation’s priority...
Muscat: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) commenced their annual set of meetings with Oman via their Mission which will be conducting a thorough review of financial...
Muscat: A testament to its role as a digital leader in the banking industry, the National Bank of Oman (NBO) has won twice at the World Business...
Muscat: Ranked within the Top 100 Global Wire and Cable Producers with the most advanced facilities and outstanding services making us the leading cabling partner in the...
Muscat: On Monday, a group of job seekers and workers who had their services terminated went to the Ministry of Labour’s directorates, pleading with officials to resolve...
Muscat: In a virtual meeting conducted recently, the Muscat chapter of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), which is responsible for all India chartered accountant...
Muscat: The Ministry of Health (MoH) on Monday said Omanis working in neighbouring countries need not pay the fee (6 OMR) for electronic tracking bracelets while...