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Digitalisation: A cornerstone of growth and success for Corporations in Oman

Oman is currently undergoing a fast-paced transition to a knowledge-based economy in which information and communication technologies are at the core. These key elements of digitalisation enable Oman’s corporations to achieve sustainable growth, while improving their customer experience and economic diversification through reforms, in order to meet market expectations. To meet these needs, companies must accelerate the digitisation of their business processes and Ooredoo is there to support the private sector by providing solutions with far-reaching benefits.  

Digital transformation can be the difference when it comes to whether a company is successful. Those choosing to embrace new technologies and systems can grow in new ways and provide innovative, personalized and ‘touch of a button’ services, which all helps to cut costs and build financial growth. Indeed, the benefits of reinventing business processes to digital ones has been shown to reduce costs by as much as 90%, as well as reduce turnaround times for produce and service delivery.

Sultan bin Ahmed Al Wahaibi, Chief Business & Wholesale Officer at Ooredoo said, “Today’s customers  expect every organisation to deliver a quick and seamless user experience. The use of digital channels to tackle business challenges are known for improving customer experience, which is why digitalisation has become a cornerstone for successful comapnies. We understand the importance of digitalisation and that is why we  aim to play a leading role in the transformation of society, businesses and even government entities, so that our community as a whole becomes tech-savvy. Going digital will give companies the edge to compete as a modern business that is available both online and offline whilst keeping the customer interest at heart and our objective is to make that happen”

Over the years, Ooredoo has consistently been at the forefront of supporting businesses in Oman, serving customers across a multitude of economic and vertical sectors. The company’s tailored solutions are geared to transform businesses of all sizes towards digitalisation and help them achieve sustainable growth that in turn will contribute to the Sultanate’s development.  For more information on Ooredoo’s commitment towards digitalisation, please visit:



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