Galfar gets PDO honour for Yibal Khuff Project

Galfar Engineering and Contracting SAOG, the largest multi-disciplinary engineering construction company in Oman has achieved a significant safety milestone of 21 Million Safe Manhours without Lost Time Injury on August 1, 2019 in its Construction Services for Yibal Khuff On-plot Project and was awarded by PDO during the Contractors Forum held recently.

This achievement come as yet another demonstration of Galfar’s commitment to protect its employees and other stakeholders from injuries and ill health, prevent damages to assets and minimise impact on the environment in the course of its business.

Galfar commenced Yibal Khuff Project in March 2016, with current strength of about 4300 multi-cultural workforce.  Working closely with the expectations and objectives of PDO, Galfar has achieved this milestone despite the challenges involved in a project of such magnitude. The project team is fully committed and moving forward towards further milestones aiming at its goal of Zero Harm to People.



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