On 2 April 2018, Bank Sohar launched the first of a series of talks from world renowned leaders – providing a unique opportunity for everyone to gain insights...
OER HR & Finance Summit – 2018 would examine in detail the rise and responsibility of talent development in the days to come, says Venkatesh Palakkad,...
Petrofac has been awarded a contract worth US$265million for the development of the Marmul Polymer Phase 3 (MPP3) Project in southern Oman. This is the first...
Bank Nizwa recently held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) bringing together its Shareholders, Board of Directors and Executives. The bank added a new achievement to its...
What can we realistically hope to achieve with Artificial Intelligence, especially when bound into the tiny confines of a portable handheld screen? Amartya Baidya tells us...
Bentley is introducing capacitive fingerprint sensor technology with a secure stowage unit in the Bentayga – affording customers even greater peace of mind. Developed by Bentley’s...
Oman is currently undergoing a fast-paced transition to a knowledge-based economy in which information and communication technologies are at the core. These key elements of digitalisation...
Sohar Aluminium will be hosting its first ‘Vendor Symposium’ for existing and potential suppliers and service providers in Oman. To be held on 2 April at...