Oman Oil Co, BP sign MoU to invest in human capital

OOC & BP sign agreement

Oman Oil Company (OOC), the Sultanate’s investment arm in the energy and energy related sectors, and BP Exploration (EPSILON) Limited have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enable secondment opportunities between the two companies. The signing ceremony was attended by Eng Isam bin Saud al Zadjali, CEO of OOC and Yousuf al Ojaili, BP Oman president.

The accord stipulates that OOC, its group of companies and BP Oman will provide opportunities for employees to be assigned to each other’s businesses on a secondment basis.

This collaboration between OCC, local investor and BP, one of the world’s leading integrated oil and gas companies, will enable the further development of employees through knowledge transfer between experienced workers and young professionals.  It will afford learning and development opportunities through on-the-job training in a different environment to that of their own employer; therefore broadening experiences and skillsets which will ultimately contribute to improving the country’s manpower capabilities.

Commenting on the signing of the MoU, Eng Isam al Zadjali said: “The focus of OOC in nurturing its human capital is to aid the facilitation of the transfer of expertise and technology to build a knowledge-based economy. We do not only employ experts from around the world, we also create partnerships to provide opportunities and on-the-job training.”

Yousuf al Ojaili said: “BP is passionate about developing its people and we are excited about our collaboration with OCC. Developing our local talent is key to our success and through secondment opportunities we look forward to sharing best practices which will only contribute to the continuous improvement for both of our orgnisations.”

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