Meet Abdullah Salim Khalaf Al Farsi, the budding entrepreneur

Abdullah Salim Khalaf Al Farsi became an entrepreneur because he had genuine passion for it. He shaped his career with this aim and achieved his goal. Now he is working hard to ensure success of his business.
Abdullah Salim Khalaf Al Farsi, a former private sector employee turned to business because he had an innate passion for entrepreneurship. He planned his career that way right from the beginning and is now a successful SME owner.
Recounting the beginning of his career Abdullah said, he had opportunities to join the government sector. But unlike the majority who prefer the security of the Government sector, Abdullah opted for the challenges offered by the private sector. It was not a random decision. Abdullah wanted to develop his business skills by facing the challenges offered by the private sector. He started his career in a private company where he worked for around eight years and rose to a senior position. Though he was successful as an employee he was not content with his success.
“After gaining good experience in the private sector I made a decision to start my own business,” said Abullah Al Farsi on his starting the business. He said, “I didn’t want to work under anyone and felt capable of taking up the challenge to establish my own venture and make it a success.” Once the decision was taken after due thinking he resigned from his job. Meanwhile he studied the market. As he was in the marketing he could collect knowledge on the available opportunities also. After completing essential groundwork Abdullah started his firm, International Engineering Supply Company LLC three years ago. Recounting the initial days Abdullah Al Farsi said that though he had knowledge of the market he knew he was starting from zero. He had to encounter many difficulties. He needed money and guidance. He approached Bank of Abu Dhabi which provided him financial support and guidance. “I would like to thank Bank of Abu Dhabi for giving me a chance,” he said.
His company was initially based in Ibri. Later Abdullah shifted his base to Muscat as he realised that it was necessary to get more business. “Now I have a good office in Al Khuwair and my company is doing well,” he said. IES supplies heavy equipment for petroleum companies. Abdullah said he is keen to provide job opportunities to his fellow Omani youth. He has employed Omanis already.
Being a small company throws up many challenges. At present IES gets orders for supplying equipment from big companies. But it is a challenge to convince big companies as many times they are not ready to place orders to SMEs. Big companies need to take a stand favourable to SMEs, said Abdullah. Then only they can grow, he added. Abdullah wants his company to grow fast and hopes to get tenders from ministry.
Asked about his learnings after starting an SME, Abdullah says he learned many valuable lessons after starting own venture. “I have realised my capabilities and developed many skills. Now I interact with more people and travel to more places. It is not like sitting in the office. Earlier my avenues for self -development were minimal. I am feeling good now. I want to own land and build my factory.” But he is facing new challenges too.
Abdullah said, “Currently, property prices are very high in Muscat. So buying land is very expensive.” However one has to work in the city to get more business. Abdullah needs more money to expand his capital base and is looking for land. Being a businessman is tough but his company is growing. We are growing steadily, step by step, he concludes.