Oman Oil and Gas Market Insight and Outlook Report

Oman oil and gas market is experiencing major changes in new project development, consumption patterns and market scenario amidst rapidly shifting global dynamics. Declining US shale production, Iran sanction lift, Saudi Arabia plans to expand market share, LNG planned projects, lower than anticipated Chinese demand are all expected to significantly impact the refiners, LNG and storage operators, upstream and downstream companies. Accordingly, oil and gas companies in the country are altering their strategies to cop up with the changes in global markets.
The Oman oil and gas report provides complete analysis and forecasts of Oman upstream, downstream and midstream sectors. The research work provides analysis of key opportunities and associated challenges facing Oman markets. Yearly production and consumption forecasts of oil, gas, LNG, LPG, gasoline, diesel and fuel oil from 2005 to 2025 are included in the report. Further, primary energy demand, GDP, population and vehicle production details are provided from 2005- 2025.
All potential new business and investment opportunities in Oman oil and gas markets with feasibility of planned projects, expected start up, investments  required are included. Further, asset wise details of oil fields, gas fields, exploration blocks, LNG terminals, storage, pipeline and refineries operational in the country are analyzed.
Oman Infrastructure, market conditions, investment climate and competitive landscape are analyzed through sophisticated tools and presented in user friendly manner through SWOT analysis, benchmarking and positioning matrix.
The report also details the business profiles of three key companies in Oman oil and gas industry. Business operations, SWOT Analysis and financial performance of the companies are provided. All latest developments in Oman oil and gas industry and their impact on the industry are included in the report.
Some of the Key issues answered by the report include-
– Emergence of supply and demand patterns of Oman oil, gas and products between 2015 and 2025
– Strategies being opted by leading companies in current low price conditions
– Opportunities for investment and business expansion in Oman in short and medium term future
– Evaluation of risks and prospects of each of the planned projects in Oman
– Annual field wise and company wise production over the last decade
– Leading companies in each of the oil and gas segments across Oman oil and gas value chain
– Extent of competition in upstream, storage, refining, pipelines, LNG and UGS sectors
– Outlook of refinery wise refining, coking, FCC and HCC capacities in Oman to 2020
– Contracted and Available LNG capacity for spot/ new contracts
– Crude oil/petroleum products/chemicals storage capacity by terminal from 2005 to 2020
– Coverage and Extensiveness of pipeline transportation network in Oman
Information in the report includes (but not limited to)-
– Exploration: Awarded, Available and On offer Block details
– Production: Field wise oil and gas annual production from 2005 to 2013
– LNG: All operational and planned terminal details; capacity outlook by terminal to 2020
– Refinery: All operational and planned refinery details; capacity (CDU, Coking, FCC, HCC) outlook by terminal to 2020
– Storage: All oil, products and chemicals storage terminal details and terminal wise capacity outlook to 2020
– Pipeline: Route, Length, diameter and capacity details for planned and active transmission pipelines
Outlook Statements-
– Annual Oil, Gas, products (Gasoline, Diesel, LPG, Fuel oil) production outlook from 2005 to 2025
– Annual Oil, Gas, products (Gasoline, Diesel, LPG, Fuel oil) consumption outlook from 2005 to 2025
– GDP, Population, Primary Energy, Vehicles, Final consumption expenditure outlook to 2025
– Country, Terminal and Company wise LNG Capacity to 2020
– Country, Refinery and Company wise CDU, Coking, FCC and HCC Capacity outlook to 2025
– LNG Import/Export outlook to 2020
– LNG contracted/ available capacity outlook to 2020
Market Analysis-
– Leading trends driving/ restraining the Oman oil and gas industry growth to 2020
– Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of operating in Oman business environment
– Benchmarking of Oman investment environment with its peer markets