ITA honors OCERT Ambassadors

The Information Technology Authority (ITA) represented by the National Center for Computer Emergency Readiness Team, organized the Second Cyber Security Ambassadors Forum, under the auspices of Dr. Salim Sultan Al Ruzaiqi, CEO of ITA, and with the participation of a number of representatives of governmental institutions, private and civil society institutions, national committees and a large number of Cyber Security Ambassadors Program members.
The Forum aims to be a networking channel between the ambassadors’ program members and with the stakeholders in the Information Technology Authority; in which they can deliver their views and feedback to develop the program and the other initiatives taken by ITA in cyber security field. The ITA honored the 2014 distinguished ambassadors, in recognition of their efforts in spreading digital culture in the field of information security.
The ceremony started with the OCERT welcoming remark delivered by Eng. Badr bin Ali Al Salehi, Director General of the Center where he talked about some of the Ambassadors Program achievements saying: “Since its launch in 2011, the program has achieved a number of important achievements. In the number of members; the program saw the participation of 570 members where 115 members joined during the past year only, and at the level of courses and workshops, 41 educational sessions attended by nearly 212 ambassadors were organized.”
During the forum, four lectures were delivered on Black Mailing presented by Ibrahim Al Shuaili, How to Become an Active Security Ambassador, presented by Talal Al Asmi, and Social Media Privacy presented by Hassan Al Ajmi.
The Ambassadors project was launched in 2011 to create a permanent link between OCERT and its constituents. As OCERT commits to Information Security Awareness it also believes in sharing knowledge and alone this cannot be achieved thus this project is introduced to broaden OCERT’s Knowledge Sharing base to include the public, college students and Information Security professionals.