#ncpoman interview series: Khalid Nasser Al Kindi, DGM & ICV Manager, BP Oman

#ncpoman interview series:

Khalid Nasser Al Kindi, DGM & ICV Manager, BP Exploration (Epsilon) Ltd. is a participant in the second cohort of the National CEO Program (NCP). Under the patronage of the Diwan of Royal Court, the National CEO Program is an initiative that was launched by the Public Private Partnership Taskforce (Sharaka) with International Institute for Management Development (IMD) as the Knowledge Partner and Institute of Capability Development as the Programme Leader. NCP’s objective is to develop the next generation of private sector Omani leaders and executives. OGR brings to you a series of interviews with the key participants from the oil & gas and related sectors in the second cohort of the National CEO Programme, popularly known as NCP2.

In this interview with Oil & Gas Review (OGR), Khalid Nasser Al Kindi, talks about what made him join the coveted programme and how is it helping him in further developing his leadership skills.

For more information on the NCP, visit www.ceo.om