Majlis Meethaq forum hosts Hussain Jawad Al Lawati

Meethaq, the pioneer of Islamic banking in Oman from Bank Muscat, hosted Hussain Jawad Al Lawati, Chairman of W.J Towell Group, at the ninth Majlis Meethaq evening, a unique social forum aimed at facilitating interaction with prominent personalities sharing inspirational aspects of their life and career as well as views and perspective on the economy and important social and cultural issues. The gathering held at Bank Muscat head office was attended by dignitaries and a large turnout of corporate representatives.
Highlighting the challenges and achievements in life, Hussain Jawad Al Lawati, highlighted the role played by large family businesses in the economic development of Oman. The private sector is making a significant contribution to the development march in Oman, he said adding that they must pay more attention to social responsibility, supporting events and activities benefiting Omani society. Recalling his experiences in life and career, Al Lawati called on Omani youth to take advantage of the opportunities in the field of small and medium enterprises. He also spoke about his personal and academic achievements.
Majlis Meethaq is a monthly gathering in which a well- known economic, social, religious or cultural persona having influence on Omani society from the Sultanate or abroad is hosted. The interaction between the guest and the audience is aimed at focusing on aspects of the presenter’s personal life, success in career and views on issues facing the country and community.
As the pioneer of Islamic banking in Oman, Meethaq has adopted the best practices in Islamic banking and finance worldwide to combine a robust model which protects customers and complements the Islamic banking industry. Every Meethaq product goes through the process of Shari’a compliance certification by the Shari’a Supervisory Board and is created in line with the guidelines of the Central Bank of Oman.
Meethaq offers a full suite of Islamic banking products and services, including savings account, current account, home finance, auto finance, credit card, mobile banking and internet banking. Presently, Meethaq has 18 branches across the Sultanate and plans to expand the network as well as launch new products and services to complement the unique Islamic banking experience.
Meethaq strategy is to sustain its leadership position and attract customers, distinguished by innovation of products and operational efficiency. Meethaq is well positioned to make a difference in Islamic banking with emphasis on social responsibility, economic justice and developmental commitment.