Bank Muscat wins Oman Asset Manager of the Year award by Global Investor

In recognition of consistency in performance and strategic investment decisions in the middle of challenging market conditions, Bank Muscat Asset Management has won the ‘Oman Asset Manager of the Year’ award by Global Investor.
Abdullah Al Hinai, DGM – Investment Banking & FIG, said: “Bank Muscat Asset Management is proud to win yet another endorsement from Global Investor, reflecting the consistency in performance of our mutual funds and the innovative strategies used to consolidate our reputation in a tough market. The award reaffirms the proven ability of our fund managers in challenging situations. In spite of the difficult market conditions, we are optimistic about the growth prospects for the funds under our management.”
Bank Muscat Asset Management is the biggest fund manager in Oman, offering a variety of funds investing in Oman, the MENA region and international markets.  The division manages US$1.8 billion worth of assets, 60% of which are invested in equity markets, 25% in fixed income and the remaining 15% in real estate and private equities. Bank muscat Asset management also offers discretionary portfolio management services, targeted to suit diverse clients, including pension funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, high net worth individuals, corporations and other entities. The Bank Muscat Asset Management maintains its leadership position thanks to its experienced team, research-based decision making process, financial strength, and strong systems and processes.
Bank Muscat Asset Management introduced the concept of mutual funds to Oman as well as index investing to the GCC. The division has a fully automated process for portfolio management, trading, compliance monitoring, performance measurement and attribution. Incorporating new investment strategies, Bank Muscat Asset Management continues to attract investors and increase its assets.
The paramount AUM position enjoyed by Bank Muscat Asset Management corroborates the bank as a safe and reliable partner for financial investment advice. Bank Muscat Asset Management is always on the lookout for strategic investment products, enabling investors to create, manage and grow their wealth in a sustainable manner.